VASEA Transnational Education Forum 2023

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VASEA’s Transnational Education Network provides a forum to exchange views and ideas about TNE strategy and management, policy and practice – including compliance with Australian and host country legal requirements – and encourages participation across all sectors of the industry.

With new models, markets, and opportunities, Transnational Education continues to increase in significance to the sector.

Our two-day Transnational Education Forum is the leading gathering of sector experts and practitioners to examine strategy, demand drivers in mature and emerging markets, across Schools, VET, and Higher Education.

A must-attend event for practitioners, academics, and professionals, the forum will gather industry expertise to look at where we are now, what the future might look like, and how best you can help your institution find the best avenue to enter and expand. Spanning all aspects of TNE from business development and due diligence to quality assurance and academic professional development.

Participants will have the opportunity to network with colleagues at the end of day 1.



Thursday 27 July Session
8:45 – 9:15 REGISTRATION

9:15 – 9:30

Welcome and introduction

9:30 – 10:45 TNE strategy
10:45 – 11:15


11:15 – 12:15 School sector expansion & opportunities for connection
12:15 – 12:45

Developments in TNE in Southeast Asia

12:45 – 13:30 LUNCH
13:30 – 14:00 TEQSA Update
14:00 – 15:00 TEQSA TNE Toolkit Workshop
15:00 – 15:15


15:15 – 16:45 Global campuses: What now, what next?
16:45 – 17:15 Unlocking Global Education: Harnessing AI’s Potential for Increasing Access to Education
Friday 28 July


9:00 – 9:15 Opening and IEAA CEO Address
9:15 – 10:15 Delivering TNE in the host country language: Case studies from around the world
10:15 – 10:30 MORNING TEA
10:30 – 11:15 Australian TNE – where in the world are we, and where should we be?
11:15 – 12:15 Austrade markets update
12:15 – 13:00 LUNCH
13:00 – 13:30 Providing responsive solutions to industry: The evolution of TAFE microcredentials
13:30 – 14:10 Hot topics in TNE
14:10 – 15:30 It’s all happening in India!
15:30 – 15:45 CLOSE


Thursday 27 July 9:15am (AEST)



Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University


Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University

Thursday 27 July 9:15am (AEST)



Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University


Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University


Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University

Thursday 27 July 9:15am (AEST)



Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University


Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University

Thursday 27 July 9:15am (AEST)



Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University


Dr. Huyen VUONG
Transnational Education Network Convener, IEAA;
Director, TNE Partnerships, Victoria University


This forum will be useful for staff involves in:

  • Managing TNE strategy, business development, and operations
  • Quality assurance of TNE programs
  • Academic and professional staff engaged in supporting TNE and third party delivery operations.
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Forum participants will:

  • gain greater understanding of TEQSA’s latest priorities
  • increase awareness of Australia’s position in the global TNE landscape
  • expand awareness of global market trends
  • gain an understanding of microcredentials and TNE
  • gain greater understanding of compliance and legal requirements of the biggest TNE markets
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Thursday 27 July – Friday 28 July 2023
Day 1: 9:15am – 5.15pm (followed by networking drinks until 6.15pm)
Day 2: 9:00am – 3.45pm


Savoy Hotel Melbourne
630 Little Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
View on Google maps


VASEA members: $440
Non-members: $630


This page is for two day registration.

Register for one day   or ronline

Registrations close Thursday 20 July. For late registration, please contact

Group Rates

If you have a group of 5+, to find out further information on group discounts availabile.

Register Form

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