
Webinar 04.07.24 co VASEA logo

The seminar aims to share the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively write research grant applications. We aim to create a space to learn and exchange practical experiences from experts who have successfully applied for ARC funding, as well as provide advice from experts on the ARC review panel.

Additionally, the workshop will help young scholars and early-career researchers gain more direction and support in their search for postdoc opportunities. This is also an opportunity for everyone to discuss and share valuable experiences, contributing to building a strong and united Vietnamese academic community in Australia.

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  • 10:30 – 10:40: Opening and introduction – Prof. Dao Viet Dung – Griffith University
  • 10:40 – 11:00: Sharing about ARC DECRA application documents – PhD. Nguyen Nguyen Ngoc – UQ University
  • 11:00 – 11:15: Sharing about criteria when reviewing ARC applications – GS. Ta Thu Hang – Griffith University
  • 11:10 – 11:30: Sharing about experience applying for Postdoc jobs from other grants – Dr. Hoang Nhat Phong Vo – UTS University
  • 11:30 – 12:00: Questions & Answer
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This event is free for:

  • VASEA members and distinguished guests;
  • Individuals or organisations who are interested in the event.
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Join the VASEA Event for networking and furture cooperation.

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Thursday 04 July 2024 10:30 – 12:00 (Syd/Mel time) ~ 7:30 ~ 9:00 (Hanoi time)


Via zoom, online


Please register your attendance via the form:

Webinar – Tips and Tricks for Grant Writing

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