On 21 October 2023, VASEA organised a networking event sponsored by the Diamond Sponsor – Infiniti Property Corporation. Approximately 50 VASEA Melbourne-based members gathered to have a warm and close networking and listened to the facilitators of the presentation and discussion regarding newly developed properties, lease properties and its future trends which would help international students or new migrants from Vietnam to have more insight of the Australian real estates.

The networking event was well attended by VASEA Vice President in charge of International Education, Training and Relations Ms. Jane Tran and Secretary General Ms. Huyen Vuong, and Ms. Annie Ta – CEO of the Infiniti Property Corporation and her team. At the event, Jane Tran acknowledged the Infiniti’s support to VASEA through sponsorship of the highest level – Diamond and thanked Infiniti for the initiative of organising this wonderful networking event with luncheon of seven courses prepared by the Celebrity Chef – Adam D’Sylva.

VASEA is looking forward to having many more events including academic and industrial webinars and other networking events that help its members more chance to know each other.

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