

This event will mark one year of VASEA operation. Since our inception in May 2023 and our official launch in Melbourne in August 2023, VASEA has initiated and organised numerous activities that directly contribute to the bilateral cooperation between Australia and Vietnam. These including in person activities in both Australia and Vietnam and a series of webinars as you can review on our official website

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Activities of the day:

  • Welcome to Country & Welcome to VASEA AGM (welcome drinks & refreshment)
  • Showcasing Excellence: VASEA exhibition & Music by VietAus Cultural Exchange Organisation – in the Terrace
  • Formal program – in the Conference Hall
  • Networking, prizes (by VASEA sponsors), music, drinks, Vietnamese nibbles + Pho + more! – in the Terrace
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This event is free for:

  • VASEA members and distinguished guests;
  • Individuals or organisations who are interested in the event.
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Join the VASEA Event for networking and furture cooperation.

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Sunday 02 June 2024 14:00 – 18:00 (Syd time)


College of Law, Level 4, 570 George St, Sydney NSW 2000


Please register your attendance via the form:

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